Log Monitoring Tool That Includes Cyber Threat Intelligence Feeds
Help improve security with threat intelligence tools
Help improve security with threat intelligence tools
There's an increase in the volume of DDoS, botnet, and malware attacks happening every day. In this era, implementing a robust cyber threat intelligence framework for collecting, consolidating, and analyzing all your log data and threat intelligence feeds in one place is a smart move for data security and the company’s bottom line.
SolarWinds Security Event Manager (SEM) is an on-premise, advanced SIEM tool built with an active threat intelligence management system in the form of threat feeds designed to automatically detect and respond to user, application, and network threats.
Flag threat events with cyber threat intelligence frameworks
Flag threat events with cyber threat intelligence frameworks
Leverage threat intelligence tools to automate detection
Leverage threat intelligence tools to automate detection
Imagine that abnormal privileged user activity occurs outside of the usual working hours, which can be a sign of malicious internal behavior. Using its integrated threat intelligence, SEM is built to compare security events against threat feeds that are updated daily, and alert when one of the source or destination fields hit a blacklist IP address or domain to automatically pinpoint potential security issues like phishing attempts, malware infections, and external cyberattacks.
Security Event Manager also comes with over 700 built-in correlation rules and hundreds of active responses that admins can configure to automatically trigger to respond to security events in real time. You can select from predefined rules or manually define rules to set operational thresholds, easily automating how SEM mitigates immediate threats and generates relevant notifications in response to defined conditions.
Gain powerful insights by using threat intelligence feeds
Gain powerful insights by using threat intelligence feeds
Get More on Threat Intelligence Tools
What is cyber threat intelligence?
When performing cyberthreat analysis, security analysts sift through large amounts of data for patterns and trends that could provide actionable intelligence regarding potential threats. Cyberthreat intelligence is the resulting learnings about current and potential threat types. Using cyberthreat intelligence, organizations gain more in-depth understandings about known bad actors so they can take steps to proactively identify, prepare for, and ideally prevent cyberattacks or hacking attempts.
Tools can also leverage cyberthreat intelligence to monitor for and respond to issues by quickly comparing observed activity against a database of known threats and flagging risks that manual monitoring may not catch. Using a threat intelligence tool can bolster your network security and is essential to maintaining strong and proactive security operations.
How do threat intelligence feeds work?
Threat intelligence feeds function by providing continuous data about potential threats, including indicators of compromise, giving security professionals an easily digestible, real-time look at known threats.
Feed information comprises artifacts and indicators collated from the latest potential and detected threats that have occurred around the globe. Each feed usually tracks one metric or subject area. These can include suspicious domains, IP addresses known to be tied to malicious activity, or malware hashes—each of which provides security professionals with actionable intelligence for blacklisting connection requests or attempted communication from sources that feature indicators of compromise.
On their own, threat intelligence feeds are just information and often require interfacing with security applications or software like SIEM tools to create a threat intelligence platform capable of helping effectively counter potential cyberattacks.
Why is cyber threat intelligence important?
Hackers and cyberattackers are always on the lookout for new ways to exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to databases and valuable information. However, once a particular threat vector has been identified and added to a threat data feed, it becomes much easier for firewalls and SIEM applications to identify and block it. For this reason, it is essential that cyberthreat intelligence tools be kept integrated with up-to-date threat intelligence feeds that provide data about emergent or existing threats.
Automated security systems can use threat intelligence feeds to proactively protect your networks and systems, while keeping you informed of persistent threats and potential hacking attempts. When functioning properly and integrated with a robust security solution, threat intelligence can help reduce your vulnerability to cyberattacks as well as save your organization money by avoiding the expenses associated with recovery—including funds that might be paid out as fines or as part of legal action.
What do threat intelligence tools do?
The purpose of threat intelligence tools is to make it easier for network administrators and security professionals to perform security analysis, reduce incident response time, and identify threats with greater efficiency and accuracy.
A strong cyberthreat intelligence framework benefits from a security tool that can:
- Collect and quickly process large quantities of threat data from trusted sources
- Allow administrators to manage threat data from one centralized location
- Support analysis of a vast amount of data with the ability to filter for potential attack vectors, so admins can more easily interpret and use the data to make more informed security decisions
- Be customized and integrate with other security solutions
Cyber threat intelligence tools can also help support an overall stronger security posture by automating processes and providing administrators with tools that allow them to better prevent potential threats.
How do the threat intelligence tools work in Security Event Manager?
Security Event Manager is designed to pull daily threat data feeds of known bad actors and global threats. By streamlining the findings through its intuitive and accessible user interface, SEM is built to keep you up to date for potential threats, such as DDoS attacks, malware, botnets, spam, and more, trying to enter as well as suspicious activity already within your networking or computing environment.
Speed is also a major part of successfully responding to potential or identified threats, and minimizing your response time can help limit or mitigate the harm of cyberthreats. Security Event Manager offers cross-platform event correlation that can be easily customized to trigger real-time alerts based on set thresholds. This robust SIEM toolset also gives you the option to automate responses to alerts and custom rules that will perform specific actions, allowing you quickly block IP addresses or kill applications if malicious activity is detected.
What is cyber threat intelligence?
When performing cyberthreat analysis, security analysts sift through large amounts of data for patterns and trends that could provide actionable intelligence regarding potential threats. Cyberthreat intelligence is the resulting learnings about current and potential threat types. Using cyberthreat intelligence, organizations gain more in-depth understandings about known bad actors so they can take steps to proactively identify, prepare for, and ideally prevent cyberattacks or hacking attempts.
Tools can also leverage cyberthreat intelligence to monitor for and respond to issues by quickly comparing observed activity against a database of known threats and flagging risks that manual monitoring may not catch. Using a threat intelligence tool can bolster your network security and is essential to maintaining strong and proactive security operations.
Protect your network with cyber threat intelligence tools
Security Event Manager
- Easily demonstrate auditable compliance across industry-specific IT regulatory frameworks
- Detect and respond to security threats with reduced incident response times
- Ensure that your security initiatives are as effective as possible
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