Prevent Account Takeover
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Account Takeover Prevention
Combining Automation and Human Intelligence to Lower Your Risk
What is account takeover?
Account takeover (ATO) attacks are a form of identity theft using real credentials exposed by a security breach to gain access to corporate resources.
How does account takeover happen?
The core aspect of account takeover is bad actors using legitimate credentials found in data breaches to access corporate accounts and systems.
How do we collect data?
By leveraging the skills of human intelligence specialists and applied research, we find and flag breach data from public and non-public sources, where it’s often sold to users with malicious intent.
What types of information are we looking for?
Any compromised credentials (username and password) associated with a monitored domain or a monitored personal email address.
How often will I receive an alert?
Any time one of your credentials shows up, you’ll get an alert. A large enterprise can expect a few alerts each month. A smaller company can expect an alert every few months.
Can I try the product for free?
Yes. Just enter your work email address at the top of the page to see details of its exposure. You’ll start receiving notifications whenever it shows up in a new data leak. In addition, you can see the aggregate statistics about the data from the email address domain.
What is account takeover?
Account takeover (ATO) attacks are a form of identity theft using real credentials exposed by a security breach to gain access to corporate resources.
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