IIS Server Performance Monitoring and Web Server Monitoring Tools
Use IIS monitoring to see the availability of websites and app pools
Use IIS monitoring to see the availability of websites and app pools
SolarWinds® Server Performance & Configuration Bundle (SPCB) is designed to let you easily monitor site and app pool performance. Included in SPCB are two powerful tools, Server & Application Monitor (SAM) and Server Configuration Monitor, capable of allowing you to view the details of your IIS web server and troubleshooting issues before they affect end users.
You can also get proactive notifications alerting you to server or website downtime. When availability issues arise, you can automatically restart your sites and servers, stop a website, kill a process, restart services, reboot the Microsoft IIS server, and stop or recycle an application pool using SPCB.
Track key server resources for load and usage with an IIS monitoring tool
Track key server resources for load and usage with an IIS monitoring tool
An IIS monitoring tool is built to allow you to monitor your web server and system resources, so you can make more informed decisions about balancing IIS website and IIS server workloads.
Using SolarWinds SPCB, you can see details about CPU utilization and memory bottlenecks to prevent potential excessive paging and impacts to your IIS server due to excessive physical or virtual memory consumption, the number of incoming sessions, or the number of users visiting your websites. With this insight into resource utilization, you can also avoid unnecessary hardware purchases.
Easily monitor IIS server response time
Easily monitor IIS server response time
When a web application or website slows down, the underlying issue could be the IIS server, the web application itself, or another server if it’s a multi-tiered application. Similarly, high memory utilization and inadequate system resources could also lead to slower response times, which prompt user experience issues.
Seeing what other servers the IIS server is communicating with can help improve server response time. The comprehensive IIS monitoring features in Server Performance & Configuration Bundle are designed to help you maintain high availability and monitor key server and website resources to better track performance across your environment.
Leverage an IIS monitoring tool to monitor SSL certificate expiration
Leverage an IIS monitoring tool to monitor SSL certificate expiration
The IIS web server performance monitoring software capabilities in SPCB are designed to provide graphical and numerical details about the valid dates of your SSL certificate, including the number of days remaining before the listed certificate expires.
With the help of SolarWinds Server Performance & Configuration Bundle, you can more easily monitor critical SSL certificate expiration fields, such as port information, validity information, and expiration date details.
View configuration changes across your IIS servers and web files
View configuration changes across your IIS servers and web files
Changes to the configurations of your IIS servers or web files can seriously impact the performance and availability of your web-based applications. Tracking down what changes occurred and when can also be a tedious and time-consuming task.
With SolarWinds Server Performance & Configuration Bundle, you can quickly see what changes were made, who made them, and then easily correlate those changes with performance metrics all from one dashboard.
Get More on IIS Monitoring
What is IIS monitoring?
IIS monitoring is the process of tracking and measuring the performance of your Microsoft IIS server over time to maintain optimal service delivery. IIS web servers are an integral part of any Windows IT structure. Outlook, SharePoint, and general web activity may rely on the server being available and optimally performing.
With IIS web server performance monitoring, you can help make sure the server is performing as expected as well as more easily locate the source of performance problems when they do occur. Proactively monitoring IIS server performance can allow you identify issues before they significantly impact websites and application pools.
What are the differences between monitoring performance for Apache vs. IIS?
There are some small but important differences to consider when monitoring performance for Apache vs IIS:
Apache is a free, open-source web server software used across numerous platforms. It’s used most frequently with Linux and is a popular web server software option. Microsoft IIS is another widely used, free web server software, but is also closed-source and used with Windows systems.
Given Apache is open-source, anyone can create and publish new modules extending the software’s functions. With IIS, Windows and Microsoft release new additions to the software. This major difference between Apache and IIS can have an impact on overall server functionality.
When it comes to monitoring IIS compared to Apache, it’s important to focus on tracking key metrics offering insights to allow you to head off and quickly resolve performance issues for a specific server type. This includes monitoring for server-specific health issues related to the identical-node architecture in Apache Cassandra, which can include monitoring latency, disk usage, thread pool tasks, and key and row cache values.
How does IIS monitoring work?
IIS web server monitoring typically consists of two key counters:
- System-related counters – involve monitoring elements of the system like CPU, memory, and disk performance, all of which could be the source of a bottleneck in an IIS server
- Web server counters – involve monitoring different web server caches as well as web service in general, which can tell you about the volume of data being exchanged and the number of users accessing your web service
Using a real-time IIS web server monitoring tool can provide you with insights on important elements of the system and server designed to help you improve server performance, increase throughput, reduce bottlenecks, and support faster identification of connectivity issues.
Why is IIS monitoring important?
If a website and web applications experience excessive response times or timeouts because of IIS request slowdowns, end users will likely either leave your website or flood you with help desk tickets. IIS monitoring is important because it can help you maintain fast response time on your servers to keep your business running without interruption.
Monitoring IIS can also help you diagnose potential server performance issues before you start getting complaints from end users. This diagnosing ability is central to maintaining the applications critical to your business, including Outlook Web Access, SharePoint, and Microsoft Dynamics.
What does an IIS monitoring tool do?
An IIS monitoring tool works by collecting essential IIS performance monitoring metrics and is designed to make this information more actionable for you. With IIS monitoring software, you can see all the collected information about different elements of your IIS servers in one place and gain powerful insights into how the servers are functioning.
How does IIS monitoring work in Server Performance & Configuration Bundle?
SolarWinds Server Performance & Configuration Bundle is built to help you remedy IIS performance issues with ease. The included tools in SPCB, SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor and Server Configuration Monitor, are designed to form a powerful IIS monitoring tool solution to provide comprehensive insights into the causes of server problems, making it easier to ensure your server is performing optimally and to troubleshoot problems before they impact end users.
Included in SAM is AppInsight™ for IIS, a tool built to automatically monitor your IIS environment, from the websites and application pools running on your IIS server to your general web server performance. The AppInsight for IIS dashboard helps make monitoring IIS easier by providing at-a-glance performance metrics for your application pools and websites and allows you to drill down deeper. As you find and fix issues, stopping and restarting servers as needed, the AppInsight for IIS data is designed to automatically update, so you can feel confident the information on the dashboard is current.
What is IIS monitoring?
IIS monitoring is the process of tracking and measuring the performance of your Microsoft IIS server over time to maintain optimal service delivery. IIS web servers are an integral part of any Windows IT structure. Outlook, SharePoint, and general web activity may rely on the server being available and optimally performing.
With IIS web server performance monitoring, you can help make sure the server is performing as expected as well as more easily locate the source of performance problems when they do occur. Proactively monitoring IIS server performance can allow you identify issues before they significantly impact websites and application pools.
"The value Server & Application Monitor provides is an improved single-pane-of-glass view, it’s more reliable, and you can respond to problems quickly and proactively"
Jeffrey Gilgenbach
System Administrator
Buyseasons, Inc.
IIS monitoring software designed to meet your specific needs
- Use AppInsight for IIS to gain insight into your server performance, sites, and application pools.
- Make IIS monitoring powerful by transforming performance metrics into actionable insights.
- Troubleshoot issues before they affect end users with the help of threshold-based alerts.