Automated Network Backups
Back up router and switch configurations using network backup software
Back up router and switch configurations using network backup software
Back up necessary network configurations and quickly restore the right configuration
Back up necessary network configurations and quickly restore the right configuration
SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager is designed to back up your critical network configurations. It allows you to automatically manage layer 2 and 3 wired and wireless configuration backups to help you recover from service interruptions caused by failed devices or configuration errors.
With NCM, you can also define a recurring task, which lets you set a schedule and target devices to regularly back up their configurations. SolarWinds NCM uses securely managed credentials to access each router and switch and store archived configurations in a central database. With a complete and reliable configuration archive, you can quickly recover when service is interrupted. If a device backup fails, immediate alerts can help you correct the problem more quickly.
Monitor configurations for changes with network backup software
Monitor configurations for changes with network backup software
Simplify backup management with a robust network backup system
Simplify backup management with a robust network backup system
SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager includes many configuration management capabilities to support your ability to easily maintain a configuration archive and search for and locate configuration files.
When a backup is completed, NCM is designed to organize the data within the configuration archive based on device and version, allowing you to quickly restore a previous configuration if something goes wrong.
Automatically back up network configuration data
Automatically back up network configuration data
Get More on Network Backup Software
What is a network backup?
A network backup is the process or result of copying current data for all nodes and end devices within a computer network and keeping this data within a secure storage space. Network backups are an integral element of general IT backup and recovery, and they help ensure an organization is secure if a disaster occurs. Though network backup can refer to the actual backed up files and data, the term also refers to the backup process itself.
Typically, network backup software is used to ensure accurate and functional network backups. This software can automate the network backup process, so you can rest assured you have updated records of the most important information on your network.
What is the purpose of automated network backups?
The purpose of an automated network backup is to let you rest easy knowing your critical data is saved if a disaster occurs. It also helps ensure you won’t have to manually back up data or rely on scripts.
With an automated network backup, you can create a backup schedule capable of defining when different types of backups will occur and where specific information will be stored. You can create different backup schedules for different programs and devices. Rather than going device by device to ensure the most recent data and configurations have been saved, admins can simply check whether the automated tool has performed its scheduled run.
Because they largely eliminate human error, automated network backups are more secure than manual alternatives. Unlike backup scripts, an automated backup solution adapts when the network changes and alerts you when something goes wrong with a backup.
How often should automated network backups happen?
There is no definitive rule for how often automated network backups should occur across your network. However, there are some guidelines you should follow when creating an automated backup schedule for your network to help you determine how often you should back up different elements of your network.
A good rule of thumb is to perform a backup whenever a change is made to your system. It’s beneficial to have a network backup solution capable of automatically detecting configuration changes, and it’s good to have one you can set to automatically back up the affected data. This helps you make sure you always have the most up-to-date information stored.
Otherwise, the general policy for creating an automated backup schedule is to base the frequency of backups around the maximum amount of time you’re willing to spend restoring lost data. For example, if the maximum amount of time you’re willing to devote to this task is a week, then you should set your automated backups to run at least once a week.
When creating an automated backup schedule with a network backup tool, you can back up different elements of your network and systems at different times and with different frequencies. You may want to schedule frequent backups for continually changing data and less frequent backups for generally unchanging data.
How does network backup software work?
A network backup solution proactively heads off the impact of data disasters by performing automated backups and automated recovery.
Network backup software works by taking the manual element out of the network backup process. It automates the process of backing up network nodes and even your whole network infrastructure, so you can rest easy knowing your data is protected if a disaster occurs.
The software works by identifying the network components needing to be backed up, configuring the backup schedule for those elements, and copying the data to a backup storage system. You can schedule the software to perform backups at specific intervals.
Network backup software also automates the way you restore operations or network infrastructure following an incident in which data is lost or corrupted. It’s critical to keep this recovery window short enough to ensure your financial losses stay at a minimum.
Why is network backup software important?
Network backup software is important because it protects your business if a disaster occurs. Without effective backups to protect your data, you’re constantly vulnerable. And without copies of your most important information, any loss in data—especially customer data—could spell the end of your business.
Though it’s possible to perform backups manually, this is a complex task—and it’s even more difficult for larger organizations. Without a network backup device, you open yourself up to human error and the possibility of forgetting to consistently back up critical elements of your network and infrastructure. With a network backup tool, you can feel confident knowing every node on your network is safely backed up.
Network backup software also saves you time. Automating your backups means you can better apply your employees’ skills to fewer routine tasks. But most importantly, it saves you time when disaster strikes. The software automates the process of restoring your network, so you lose much less time bringing your business back into operation.
What does network backup software do?
Network backup software can automatically build and help you manage configuration data from your network nodes and end devices. This provides you with an archive of configurations you can easily locate if a disaster occurs and damages or erases configuration data.
The software can copy configurations for a range of devices connected to a network, including switch and router configurations.
Network backup software can also keep you up-to-date on configuration changes in your network. The best network backup tools can tell you which configurations changed, what changed, and who made the changes. It can also automatically create new backup copies when it detects configuration changes.
How does network backup software work in NCM?
SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager includes automated network backup software designed to simplify the configuration backup process, helping you stay confident your config data is protected during a disaster or failed configuration changes.
In NCM, you can easily create backup schedules for recurring tasks or target devices. If a device backup fails, NCM can alert you immediately so you can quickly correct the problem. NCM also creates organized archives of your backups so you can easily find the right configuration and restore it to a device if an incident occurs.
NCM can also analyze your archived configurations for change management details. When a change is detected, NCM can send an alert and show you which devices have configuration changes, who made the changes, and what changed in the configuration files.
More NCM Features
Network Configuration Manager comes with many features to help improve your network management. With NCM, you can manage configurations through policy management, backups, and network automation. SolarWinds NCM is also built to help you more easily perform vulnerability assessments, better manage network compliance, and track device life cycles. With NCM, you can centralize your network administration in an intuitive dashboard, gain more complete visibility into configuration information, and choose from 53 built-in reports for additional insights.
What is a network backup?
A network backup is the process or result of copying current data for all nodes and end devices within a computer network and keeping this data within a secure storage space. Network backups are an integral element of general IT backup and recovery, and they help ensure an organization is secure if a disaster occurs. Though network backup can refer to the actual backed up files and data, the term also refers to the backup process itself.
Typically, network backup software is used to ensure accurate and functional network backups. This software can automate the network backup process, so you can rest assured you have updated records of the most important information on your network.
"We use NCM to automatically back up configurations, check configurations for errors, or make comparisons to other configurations."
Jason Green
Network Administrator
Automate network configuration backups
Network Configuration Manager
- Save time with network automation.
- Simplify and improve network compliance.
- Fast disaster recovery.
Starts at
NCM, an Orion module, is built on the SolarWinds Platform