Network Traffic Visualization
Use NTA's Pie and Area Charts to View Your Network’s Resources
Use NTA's Pie and Area Charts to View Your Network’s Resources
SolarWinds® NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) offers area and pie charts for a fast visual overview of your network. Area charts display resources within a specific time frame and traffic level. These charts offer a more detailed view of traffic data and bandwidth usage compared to pie charts, and always feature a one-to-one relationship of table-to-chart information.
The pie charts in NTA allow for at-a-glance insights. They utilize absolute percentage calculations and feature the Top 5 Endpoints resource. Depending on your chart settings, NTA allocates a piece of the pie to each item. For both area charts and pie charts, if the number of items exceeds what is configured to display, NTA generates a category in the legend of the chart named Remaining Traffic.
View Visualized Charts to Look at Network Data Flow With One-Minute Granularity
View Visualized Charts to Look at Network Data Flow With One-Minute Granularity
By displaying Orion® Platform views, pie charts, or area charts of resource-related data, NTA enables real-time network traffic visualization to give you a more in-depth look into your network resources. In terms of chart display limitations:
- The Orion Platform views can illustrate up to 100 resources
- Pie charts can feature up to 100 items
- Area charts can exhibit up to 10 items, with the remaining series viewable in the legend
NTA Flow Storage database means you can save flow data without compression and with one-minute granularity. To access flow data for longer time periods with one-minute granularity, simply set the time period to the interval you want to be displayed by the view.
Monitor Network Traffic and Generate Powerful Analysis to Minimize Slowdowns and Optimize Performance
Monitor Network Traffic and Generate Powerful Analysis to Minimize Slowdowns and Optimize Performance
Troubleshoot Network Issues Across Different Network Environments Faster Than Ever
Troubleshoot Network Issues Across Different Network Environments Faster Than Ever
Perform Cross-Stack IT Data Correlations With Multiple Entities Within a Single Timeline
Perform Cross-Stack IT Data Correlations With Multiple Entities Within a Single Timeline
NTA’s PerfStack tool performs cross-stack IT data correlations that not only help you accelerate the identification of any network problems, but also help you remedy breakdowns faster. With PerfStack, you can neatly compare different datasets side-by-side, correlate multiple entities within a single timeline, and more effectively collaborate across functional teams.
Simply drag, drop, and overlay valuable performance metrics across myriad sources and data types on a common chart to visualize network traffic. PerfStack works to generate real-time network traffic visualizations by pulling data from your database, network, systems, virtualization, or storage.
Get More on Network Traffic Visualization
How can I visualize network traffic in NTA?
SolarWinds® NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) allows you to create customizable reports, visualizations, and alerts to help you diagnose bandwidth or traffic issues across your network.
By drawing on current and historical network traffic data, including CBQoS data and flow data, NTA gives you the tools you need to stay on top of bandwidth usage trends. NTA’s network traffic visualization tools also draw on historical data, helping you more effectively manage your network and modify policies in accordance with data-driven trends.
NTA’s network traffic visualization features not only help you pinpoint the areas of peak usage within your network, but also allow you to isolate the endpoints using up the most bandwidth. After collecting the relevant data across your network, NTA then converts the data into intuitive graphs, charts, and tables so you can quickly identify issues and start troubleshooting.
How can I create custom views with the Flow Navigator?
NTA is designed to provide you with the necessary network insights to not only improve, but optimize, your network traffic flow. NTA provides you with tools like Flow Navigator that allow you to efficiently monitor application and network traffic coming from all designated ports, protocols, applications, source IPs, and destination IPs. Identifying the top talkers is vital if your large network becomes busier because many applications are taking up bandwidth.
To create a new custom NetFlow traffic view with Flow Navigator, access your NTA Summary within your NetFlow dashboard. Then click Flow Navigator on the left side of the summary view. Keep in mind that the Flow Navigator can be seen on any default NTA view.
NTA allows you to specify the view type in two different ways. If you want a filtered, bird’s-eye view of your entire network, you can click Summary. If you want to zoom in on the traffic moving through a specific node or interface, click Detail and choose a Detail View Type.
When you view your network traffic data, you can also customize the time period:
- Select Named Time Period to choose any time period.
- Select Relative Time Period and specify an appropriate number for the chosen time units. Under this option, the relative time period is analyzed according to the time that is configured.
- Select Absolute Time Period and determine the start and end time periods.
NTA also allows you to pick the flow direction calculated to include ingress traffic, egress traffic, or both.
Can I customize charts?
SolarWinds® NetFlow Traffic Analyzer allows users to customize traffic charts. You can directly perform these customizations in the appropriate view or resource, making the process seamless. The Flow Navigator allows users to configure customized traffic views from any NetFlow visualization.
NTA allows users to create pie charts or area chart summaries that display resource-related data. By configuring different kinds of area charts—including stack spline area, stack area, spline, line, stack line and bar—NTA provides more detailed visibility into your view of resources. Even better, these charts allow you to leverage tooltips with current values, disable certain data series, and zoom in on any resource data.
NTA's custom filters help you analyze a range of important statistics across both your entire network and all included devices. This means you no longer have the hassle caused by having to sift through the web console by single-device views.
From a single configuration pane, you can configure your custom traffic view to feature all applications, devices, and time periods. View NTA’s network traffic visualization tools in a user-friendly, web-based interface designed to give you immediate insights into bandwidth usage.
This comprehensive network traffic analysis tool can also help you pinpoint peak bandwidth usage across your network. You can customize NTA visualizations like graphs and charts, color-coding them to display the top talkers.
What are other network traffic features NTA offers?
NTA is a comprehensive, all-encompassing network traffic analysis tool that is designed to provide you more in-depth, data-driven visibility into your network.
NTA helps you continuously monitor bandwidth use across your network and drill down on usage by protocol, application, and IP address group. NTA can help you make sense of network traffic through custom, overlapping IP address groups—meaning you can create your own IP address groups to view network traffic in the most accessible ways.
NTA enables you to receive alerts for instant insight into atypical network traffic changes, including when bandwidth usage may exceed certain set thresholds. Through the tool’s custom alert feature, you can easily identify if application traffic increases, decreases, or disappears altogether at any moment. Over a larger period of time, NTA uses historical data to diagnose and analyze network traffic patterns for any specific network element.
NTA is network traffic analysis software that gives you a thorough overview into your network traffic flow. By automatically collecting and correlating data across all of your network elements, NTA gives you valuable insights into network traffic patterns as a whole, and for any network element. Furthermore, NTA is designed to compile and evaluate flow data from multiple vendors, including Juniper J-Flow, Huawei NetStream, IPFIX, sFlow, Collectors for NetFlow v5 and v9, and Advanced application recognition with NBAR2.
The network traffic analysis features offered by NTA give you the tools you need to keep your network traffic efficiently and effectively managed at all times. NTA helps you upgrade network traffic flow through its cross-stack data correlations and QoS insights. The SolarWinds PerfStack feature works with NTA to provide rapid visual insights by correlating cross-stack network traffic data. In one view, you can seamlessly drag and drop network traffic analysis metrics on a customizable timeline to study network data and NetFlow analytics.
NTA also provides class-based quality of service (CBQoS) data via SNMP to upgrade your network’s quality of service and smooth out network traffic flow. The breadth and depth of NTA’s network traffic features can help you effectively manage your network, monitor traffic flow, and understand the effectiveness of any network change.
How can I visualize network traffic in NTA?
SolarWinds® NetFlow Traffic Analyzer (NTA) allows you to create customizable reports, visualizations, and alerts to help you diagnose bandwidth or traffic issues across your network.
By drawing on current and historical network traffic data, including CBQoS data and flow data, NTA gives you the tools you need to stay on top of bandwidth usage trends. NTA’s network traffic visualization tools also draw on historical data, helping you more effectively manage your network and modify policies in accordance with data-driven trends.
NTA’s network traffic visualization features not only help you pinpoint the areas of peak usage within your network, but also allow you to isolate the endpoints using up the most bandwidth. After collecting the relevant data across your network, NTA then converts the data into intuitive graphs, charts, and tables so you can quickly identify issues and start troubleshooting.
Network Traffic Visualizations to Help You Optimize Your Network
NetFlow Traffic Analyzer
- Monitor network traffic and generate powerful analysis to minimize slowdowns and optimize performance
- Troubleshoot network issues across different network environments faster than ever
- Use network traffic visualizations to look at network data flow with one-minute granularity
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NTA, an Orion module, is built on the SolarWinds Platform