Monitor Response Time of Servers, Applications, and Databases

Gain insights into response time across your IT infrastructure

Monitor response time with 1200-plus application monitoring templates

Application response time monitoring can help you identify the root cause of slow application performance by discovering how the underlying infrastructure may be affecting application health.

SolarWinds® Server & Application Monitor (SAM) application response time monitoring tool is built to allow you to easily monitor server response time with an available 1200-plus application templates in addition to the ability to create your own custom application monitoring templates. Use SAM to drill down to diagnose application response time monitoring performance issues, so you can more easily isolate the root cause of complex problems. 

Check server response time for both physical and virtual servers

Improve server response time monitoring to reduce server response time and ensure availability. Excessive CPU load, insufficient storage resources, overutilization of memory, virtual machine (VM) resource allocation, or hardware malfunctions could potentially impact response time. 

SolarWinds SAM is designed to provide a detailed view of all performance indicators for each component of your server response time and allows you to set alerts on baseline deviations. The granular timestamp details can also help you more easily analyze the root cause of alerts in warning and critical stages.

Isolate application issues caused by network response time

High network response time is a common cause of poor application performance, but it can be difficult to pinpoint exactly where the problem lies. The built-in Quality of Experience (QoE) dashboard in SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor can help you understand network traffic from an application perspective, with views of network response time in addition to application response time. Having these insights side-by-side can allow you to more easily identify application performance issues caused by high network latency. 

Use response time database information to pinpoint the cause of bottlenecks

Integrate SAM with SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer for a detailed view of database responses and wait times. A common root cause of application response time issues is database performance. Poor database performance results from high query wait time, which ultimately leads to slow applications. By monitoring the response time for database queries, you can identify the cause of bottlenecks and ensure your database performance doesn’t harm your app performance. 

Get More on Monitoring Response Time

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"Server & Application Monitor provides faster reaction time, more granular monitoring, and less manual intervention."

Rocco Cretacci

IT Director

Western Psychological Services

Monitor response time with timestamps each step of the way

Server & Application Monitor

  • Gain application discovery and server response time monitoring.
  • Monitor response time by using an interactive interface with detailed statistics.
  • Achieve automatic application response time monitoring.

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SAM, an Orion module, is built on the SolarWinds Platform

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