SQL Database Monitoring Software

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Enhance end-user experience with database monitoring metrics like response time analysis

SolarWinds® Database Performance Analyzer (DPA) is designed to help you improve database response time. Unlike DB monitoring tools only examining server health, Database Performance Analyzer is built to break down SQL database response time into measurable steps. This can help you quickly identify exactly which steps in which operations may be causing application delays, making it easier to reduce response time and improve end-user experience.

Use database monitoring to optimize wait time and improve service delivery

SolarWinds Database Performance Analyzer uses a response-time approach when it comes to helping improve end-user experience. Database Performance Analyzer is designed to measure each SQL database query and response time to identify the most impactful queries and inefficient workloads, allowing users to focus their query tuning efforts.

With response time analysis insights, you can more easily determine the exact origin of the SQL database problem, what impact the problem is having on the end user, and what steps can be taken to fix it.

Use DB monitoring tools to optimize applications, databases, and server performance 24/7

Database Performance Analyzer can easily integrate with the Orion® Platform for a more complete optimization solution. The Orion Platform is built to provide a single view across your environment by centralizing monitoring and management insights from multiple SolarWinds products including SolarWinds Server & Application Monitor, which can provide visibility into server and application performance alongside DPA database performance metrics.

Consistently measure thousands of performance metrics with database monitoring software

Database Performance Analyzer examines thousands of database monitoring metrics contributing to performance issues—metrics relating to response time, wait time, SQL statements, system health, and more.

SolarWinds DPA database monitoring software is designed to offer comprehensive monitoring, with meaningful charts and graphs for easy comparison. DPA can also enable you to look at performance data in specific contexts with easy-to-use filtering tools. 

Quickly root out and resolve performance issues by using a DB monitor

SolarWinds DPA is a comprehensive database monitoring tool built to support multiple database types. You can easily use both real-time and historic wait-time metrics to determine possible causes of performance issues more quickly for SQL Server (including Azure SQL Databases), Oracle, MySQL, MariaDB, Aurora, IBM Db2, and ASE (whether on-premises, virtualized, or in the cloud).

DPA can also collate data points from five years to five seconds ago and presents the results in easy-to-understand bar charts with alarms capable of leading to more detailed data surrounding an issue. The pinpointed tuning advisors in Database Performance Analyzer can also provide clear, actionable recommendations for inefficient workload.

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Get better results with SQL database monitoring software

Database Performance Analyzer

  • Catch query bottlenecks with SQL Server database monitoring tools.
  • Use dashboard displays and alerts to track SQL database metrics.
  • Help ensure sufficient end-user experience by using a DB monitor.

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